Gold Monetisation Scheme.. (Part II)
The customer has to specify the time period at the time of depositing with the deposit fetching higher rate for longer term deposit. Read More..
In Defense of Dr Rajan…!
It’s rather funny how words or phrases which essentially, are said in jest, get ballooned into controversy if said by the top leaders. Read More..
सोना मुद्रीकरण योजना… (भाग 1)
(On suggestion from certain quarters, based on the relevance of subject..) कल्पना कीजिये कि एक ग्राम सोना बाजार में एक हज़ार रुपए के नोट के रूप में आसानी से आदान-प्रदान…
Gold Monetisation Scheme – Another feather in the cap.. (Part I)
Imagine each gram of gold floating around in the market as one thousand rupee note and being exchanged as easily as the note. Read More..
Supreme Court fines petitioners for waste of Court’s time…
In an important judgement, Honourable Supreme Court has imposed a fine of Rs 25 lakh each on all the three parties in a corporate case dating back to 1998. Read…
CPI and WPI Inflation- Making sense of numbers..!
Inflation… Probably the most haunted word, for both, households and the policy makers. It is equally haunting for the readers/students of economy and business..! Read More..
e-NAM – A game changing initiative..!
The launch of e-NAM – the electronic platform for trading of agriculture produce and creating a unified National Agriculture Market, is probably, as revolutionary a move for farmers as was…
IIP Growth – How good are the numbers..??
The data for IIP growth for Feb’16 show a smart recovery. The IIP growth rate has improved to 2.0% against three consecutive months of decline at an average pace of…
Rain, Rain; Come soon…
The IMD’s (Indian Metrological Department) prediction of monsoon being 106% ± 5% of LPA has brought only cheers, but even tears of happiness on this good news for the nation,…